Our alumni

Our Ph.D. graduates have had great success in securing a variety of positions within the academy and also beyond it. We are enormously proud of our placement record, which in 2022 alone included seven tenure-track positions. 

Angel Matos

“The Ph.D. in English at Notre Dame fully prepared me to examine literature, film, media, and other cultural productions using a combination of cutting-edge theoretical, historical, and pedagogical frameworks.…Between my training in seminars, working one-on-one with leading faculty, and various opportunities to teach courses of my own design, I will forever be grateful for my time as a Ph.D. student in English at Notre Dame.”

— Angel Matos, Ph.D. in English 2016. Now Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at Bowdoin College.

The following represents just a sampling of recent positions:

Tenure-Track Positions (past five years only):

  • Queens College, CUNY 
  • California Lutheran University
  • Berry College
  • George Fox University
  • Flagler College
  • Grace College
  • Bowdoin College
  • Concordia University Irvine
  • University of Miami
  • Ferrum College 
  • Kennesaw State University

Teaching Professorships and Directorships:

  • University of Mississippi
  • Purdue University
  • Brigham Young University 

International Positions:

  • Maynooth University
  • University of Gothenburg
  • Cardiff University
  • Pusan National University

Postdoctoral Fellowships

  • ACLS Emerging Voices Postdoctoral Fellowship, Northwestern University
  • ACLS Carl and Betty Pforzheimer Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania
  • Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Research Fellowship, Heidelberg Center for American Studies
  • Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, American Historical Association 

Positions Beyond the Academy

  • Culver Academies
  • MMI Preparatory School
  • Federal Reserve 
  • Y Combinator
  • Peter Lang Publishing
  • The Ohio State University Press
Ana Jimenez Moreno

“The 5+1 Fellowship Program was instrumental in launching my career in publishing. Because I worked for UND Press, I was completely immersed in how they do their craft and how that world operates, I was able to gain a definite edge when it came to applying for jobs.”

— Ana Jimenez-Moreno, Ph.D. in English 2017. Now Acquisitions Editor at The Ohio State University Press

Alumni Spotlights