English Ph.D. Alumni Spotlight: Shinjini Chattopadhyay ('21)

Author: Blake Holman

Shinjini Chattopadhyay

After graduating with a Ph.D. in English in 2021, Shinjini Chattopadhyay became a postdoctoral fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology before moving into an assistant professorship at Berry College. She is now an Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

When asked how her experience at Notre Dame prepared her for her remarkable and still developing academic career, Shinjini described how the English program honed her research skills, resilience, and ability to maintain a realistic writing schedule. 

The intensive training I received in conducting research was extremely helpful. I am very grateful to my advisors for teaching me the intricacies of academic writing and research.

Shinjini's work continues with these recent and forthcoming publications:

“Converging Close Reading and Genetic Reading in the UCSE: Toward a Postcolonial Reading” in “Ulysses” Forty Years: Critical Retrospective of Hans Walter Gabler’s Critical and Synoptic Edition of “Ulysses,” edited by Sam Slote and Georgina Nugent-Folan (Clemson University Press, 2024). (Forthcoming)

“River, Sea, Rain: Watery Bodies in ALP’s Soliloquy,” in Finnegans Wake: Human and Non-Human History, edited by Richard Barlow and Paul Fagan (Edinburgh University Press, 2024). 

“Cosmopolitan Anthropocene: The Convergence of Climatic Consciousness and Transnationalism in Virginia Woolf’s The Years,” in Virginia Woolf and the Anthropocene, edited by Peter Adkins (Edinburgh University Press, 2024). 

“Interrogating the Ethics of Cosmopolitanism in Stella Benson’s Travel Writing,” in Ethical Crossroads in Literary Modernism, edited by Katherine Ebury, Matthew Fogarty, and Bridget English (Clemson University Press, 2024).