Mayra Cano

Teaching Scholar, English

Teaching Scholar, English
356 O'Shaughnessy Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5639


Areas of study

  • American
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Latinx
  • Writing and education

Research and teaching interests

Mayra Cano completed her Ph.D. in English at the University of Notre Dame, with minors in Gender Studies and Screen Cultures. Her research centers on the intersection between Latinx Studies, queer theory, and media studies. Her work seeks to theorize alternative forms of looking, memory, and being, which allow us to conceptualize identity beyond settler-colonial understandings of the self.

Representative publications

The Latinx Gaze and Other Hegemonic Technologies: Seeing/being beyond Settler Colonial Identities. 2023. University of Notre Dame, Ph.D. dissertation. 

“Vida: Considering a Latinx Gaze Situated within a While Imaginary” Presenter. Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston, March 7, 2020.

"The Globe’s Much Ado About Nothing: Sombreros, Tequila, and Exoticization." Reviewing Shakespeare. Reviewing Shakespeare, 03 Oct. 2017.

“Mejorando la Raza: The Global and Domestic Internalization of the Spanish Colonial Casta System” Presenter. Undergraduate Conference on Multiethnic Literatures of the Americas, California State University, Fresno, March 10, 2017.

“Social Justice Through Literature” Presenter. Chicano Youth Conference, California State University, Fresno, January 28, 2017.