Senior English Major Spotlight - Arianna Denning

Author: Lisa Holderman

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Arianna Denning started her literary obsession early with Archie comic books that were given to her by her mom. Over the years she has grown her vintage Archie collection to about 300, which fill an entire bookshelf at her home in Elmhurst, IL.

In addition to her English major, Arianna is getting a second major in Design (visual graphic design) and a minor in Journalism, Ethics, and Democracy. Arianna say’s that her two majors all have to do with communicating information in interesting and informative ways whether it be through words or graphics. The English courses I’ve taken have taught me to analyze the intent and arguments that a book or paper is making and think about how readers react.” Arianna feels that this skill has been helpful in designing as well as in journalism, to be sure she is clearly communicating to her audience.

Arianna is an RA for Johnson Family Hall and an intern at WNDU news station, as well as a photographer and writer for The Observer student newspaper. She would like to continue her work in journalism after graduation and would love to be hired by National Geographic, where she interned. In addition to print journalism she has also applied for positions in publishing and design marketing. In ten years’ time she sees herself having written a book or two and working as an editor or director in publishing or journalism. She hopes one day to own her own publishing company so she can present books that she loves to the world.