Recent Books From Our Faculty

Author: Arts & Letters

Imagining Deliberative Democracy in the Early American Republic

Imagining Deliberative Democracy in the Early American Republic

Sandra Gustafson

Associate Professor

Deliberation, in recent years, has emerged as a form of civic engagement worth reclaiming. In this book, Gustafson combines historical literary analysis and political theory to demonstrate that current democratic practices of deliberation are rooted in the civic rhetoric that flourished in the early American republic. 

University of Chicago Press, forthcoming May 2011


The Open Light

The Open Light: Poets From Notre Dame, 1991–2008

Orlando Menes, editor

Associate Professor

This anthology celebrates the distinction and diversity of poets associated with the University over a period of nearly two decades. In the preface, Menes presents a brief historical account of poetry at Notre Dame since 1991, emphasizing the remarkable range of talent and the establishment of both The Notre Dame Review and the Ernest Sandeen Poetry Prize. The plethora of voices included in this collection and the poems themselves provide a rich and vibrant legacy of poetry at Notre Dame.

University of Notre Dame Press, 2011


Aristotele e i delitti d’Egitto

Aristotele e i delitti d’Egitto  (Aristotle and the Egyptian Murders)

Margaret Doody

John and Barbara Glynn Family Professor of Literature

translated by Rosalia Coci

A historical detective story translated into Italian by Rosalia Coci, Aristotele e i delitti d’Egitto is the eighth book in the Aristotle Detective series. There is a famine in Athens in 328 B.C., and Stephanos, Aristotle’s Watson, is sent to Egypt—newly under the rule of Alexander—to purchase a cargo of wheat in exchange for gold. Theft, imprisonment, and international intrigue challenge Stephanos’ courage and, also, the logic of Aristotle at work behind the scenes.

Sellerio editore in Palermo, 2010


Contextual Practice

Contextual Practice: Assemblage and the Erotic in Postwar Poetry and Art

Stephen Fredman


Contextual practice informed all branches of New American poetry; the work of the Beats; happenings, events, and dance theater; the underground film movement; and currents of assemblage, collage, junk art, and pop art. Fredman illuminates the theoretical and practical stakes involved and takes the reader back to the first stirrings of a countercultural ethos that was to have a profound effect on society at large.

Stanford University Press, 2010


Form, Power, and Person

Form, Power, and Person in Robert Creeley’s Life and Work

Stephen Fredman, editor


with Steve McCaffery

The essays in this collection have been gathered into three parts: form, power, and person. “Form” considers a variety of characteristic formal qualities that differentiate Creeley from his contemporaries. “Power” reflects on the pressure exerted by emotions, gender issues, and politics in Creeley’s life and work. In “Person,” Creeley’s unique artistic and psychological project of constructing a person is excavated. While engaging these three major topics, the authors remain, as Creeley does, intent upon the ways such issues appear in language, for Creeley’s nakedness is most conspicuously displayed in his intimate relationship with words.

University of Iowa Press, 2010


Great Shakespearans Set

Great Shakespeareans, Set I

Peter Holland, editor

McMeel Family Professor in Shakespeare Studies

with Adrian Poole

Great Shakespeareans offers a systematic account of those figures who have had the greatest influence on the interpretation, understanding, and cultural reception of Shakespeare, both nationally and internationally. This project offers a scholarly analysis of the contribution made by the most important Shakespearean critics, editors, actors, and directors, as well as novelists, poets, composers, and thinkers from the 17th to 20th centuries. This collection includes the first four volumes of an eventual 18-volume series.

Continuum Books, 2010


Cultural Narratives

Cultural Narratives: Textuality and Performance in the United States Before 1900

Sandra Gustafson, editor

Associate Professor

with Caroline F. Sloat

These essays examine debates on how written, printed, visual, and performed works produced meaning in American culture before 1900. The contributors argue that America has been a multimedia culture since the 18th century. According to Gustafson, the verbal arts before 1900 manifest a strikingly rich pattern of development and change. From the wide variety of indigenous traditions, through the initial productions of settler communities, to the elaborations of colonial, postcolonial, and national expressive forms, the shifting dynamics of performed, manuscript-based, and printed verbal art capture critical elements of rapidly changing societies.

University of Notre Dame Press, 2010


Teaching Early Modern English Prose

Teaching Early Modern English Prose

Susannah Monta, editor

John Cardinal O’Hara, C.S.C., and Glynn Family Honors Associate Professor

with Margaret Ferguson

Aiming to make early modern prose more visible to teachers, this volume approaches it as a genre that requires as much analysis and attention as the drama and poetry of the time. The essays consider the broad cultural questions raised by prose and explore prose style, showing teachers how to hone students’ writing skills in the process. The introduction considers the practical and historical reasons prose has been taught less often than poetry and drama.

Modern Language Association, 2010


Shakespeare Survey, Vol

Shakespeare Survey, Vol. 63: Shakespeare’s English Histories and Their Afterlives

Peter Holland, editor

McMeel Family Professor in Shakespeare Studies

Shakespeare Survey is a yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production. Since 1948, Survey has published the best international scholarship in English, and many of its essays have become classics of Shakespeare criticism. Each volume is devoted to a theme, play, or group of plays and contains a section of reviews of that year’s textual and critical studies and major British performances.


On Ceasing to be Human

On Ceasing to Be Human

Gerald Bruns

William P. and Hazel B. White Professor Emeritus

Philosopher Stanley Cavell once asked, “Can a human being be free of human nature?” This book examines philosophical and literary texts and contexts in which various senses of Cavell’s question might be explored and developed. During the past 30 years or so, the very concept of “being human” has been called into question within such fields as cybernetics, animal-rights theory, and analytic philosophy. This book examines these issues, but its main concern is the link between freedom and nonidentity that Cavell’s question implies—and that turns out to be a major concern among the thinkers Bruns takes up.

Stanford University Press, 2010


The Music of Thought in the Poetry of George Oppen and William Bronk

The Music of Thought in the Poetry of George Oppen and William Bronk

Henry Weinfield


From his careful readings of Oppen’s and Bronk’s poetry to his fascinating examination of the letters they exchanged, Weinfield provides important aesthetic, epistemological, and historical insights into their poetry and poetic careers. In bringing together for the first time the work of two of the most important poets of the postwar generation, The Music of Thought not only illuminates their poetry but also raises important questions about American literary history and the categories in terms of which it has generally been interpreted. 

University of Iowa Press, 2010