Initial Meeting of the Global Anglophone Area Seminar


Location: Room 235 (Multipurpose Room) Decio Faculty Hall (View on map )

A WWI British imperial recruitment poster featuring a lion on a rock roaring, surrounded by other lions. Text reads: "The Empire Needs Scholars. Enlist now!"

Hosted by the English Department’s newly created Global Anglophone Area Seminar, this kickoff event is an opportunity for folks to get together and chat about the emerging field and get a sense of our shared interests. We’ll discuss two book chapters (linked below) and chat about ways of getting at the concept of the Global Anglophone. Also, there will be pizza. We hope to see you there!


Please email Blake Holman to be added to the calendar event. An RSVP is not strictly necessary, but this will help to get a sense of the numbers.


Comforting Myths: Notes from a Purveyor,” a chapter by Rabih Alameddine in Beyond Memory (2020).

Misplaced Ideas: Reflections on the Dialectic of Roguery” by Roberto Schwarz