Sullivan Prize Reading ft. R.M. Kinder


Location: Zoom conversation

RM Kinder


R. M. Kinder is the author of three prize-winning collections of short fiction: A Common Person and other Stories, winner of the Richard Sullivan Prize in Short Fiction at the University of Notre Dame by the Notre Dame Press, A Near-Perfect Gift, winner of the University of Michigan Press Literary Fiction Award, and Sweet Angel Band, winner of Helicon Nine Editions Willa Cather Award. A writer, editor, educator, and musician, she has also published two novels, An Absolute Gentleman, (Counterpoint Press, 2007) and The Universe Playing Strings (University of New Mexico Press, 2016). Madison Smartt Bell has called her stories "extraordinary" and Larry McMurtry has praised them for being "delicately felt and gracefully written." 

Registration for the event must take in advance of the reading.  Registration can be completed here.


As A Common Person and other Stories was published by the Notre Dame Press.  They will be offering all those attending the reading a 30% discount on this book through their site here using the discount code is 14FF30 and can be used in their shopping cart. The discount expires on March 24, 2021.