MFA 2nd Year Reading Fall 2016


Location: Hospitality Room, Reckers, South Dining Hall

Kelsey Castaneda, Bailey Pittenger, & Sarah Snider promise a reading that will twist you in your seat while taking you to the end of enchantment. Television, radio, texting, and social media are helpless.

Kelsey Castaneda received her BA in 2014 from Georgetown College, where she studied English and Classics and edited the college literary magazine, the Georgetown Review. Her poem “You Are Constellations” was published in the magazine’s last issue for spring 2015. She spent a summer studying creative writing in Prague, and a semester at Oxford studying Shakespeare and Ovid. Most recently she taught English in Slovakia through the Fulbright Program. Kelsey’s other interests include hiking, shopping of any kind, music festivals, and rewatching old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Bailey Pittenger studied English at Wake Forest with focuses in Women’s and Gender Studies and creative writing. She also got her Master’s in English there, investigating the techniques of experimental form used by contemporary Caribbean and Caribbean-American writers. Part of her thesis also involved a creative manuscript of science fiction stories inspired by Old English elegies. Her writing interests and processes involve translating Anglo-Saxon texts, sketching with charcoal, ruminating on mythogenesis and psychogeography, orbiting around animals, and the suspense of competitive cooking shows.

Sarah Snider graduated from Yeshiva University with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and minors in History and Women’s Studies in January 2012. Since then, she has worked in a variety of nonprofit jobs in areas including disaster relief, community outreach, volunteer coordination, feminist advocacy, university student activities, and Holocaust survivor outreach. Before all of those things, she discovered a love for writing, and she is excited to be spending a lot of time on that at Notre Dame's MFA Program in Creative Writing.