Poetry & Poetics Presentation


Location: 232 DeBartolo Hall

Oct 3: Chris Chapman: On Ezra Pound's Quia Pauper Amavi

The Poetry & Poetics Group returns in the fall and we have exciting plans in store. Our aim is for meetings to be lively, structured, and regular, and to that end we’ve come up with a format that is equal parts reading group and traditional workshop. Each of the five scheduled sessions will feature a speaker giving a targeted and fairly brief (not more than 20 minute) presentation centered in most cases on a book of poems, which will be followed by a group-wide conversation. We hope to obtain funds from ISLA that will allow us to provide all participants with copies of the books under discussion.

The presentations we have scheduled encompass a healthy mix of poets, time periods, and critical approaches. Presenters include faculty members and graduate students at various stages in their degrees. We are hoping for a similar diversity among group participants, and encourage everyone with an interest in what poetry can (or can’t) do to join us. Please get in touch if you'd like to lead a discussion during the spring semester. Also, please write to Joel to get on the ND Poetics list-serve, where news and readings will be distributed.


Semyon & Joel




2012 Fall Schedule

Meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 6:00; Room 232 DeBartolo Hall.


8/29   Henry Weinfield: ‘The Bright Light of Shipwreck’: Oppen’s Of Being Numerous and the Question of Objectivist Theory

9/12   Semyon Khokhlov: The Place of Charm and Passion in Frank O’Hara’s Lunch Poems

10/3   Chris Chapman: On Ezra Pound's Quia Pauper Amavi

10/24   Ailbhe Darcy & Nathaniel Myers: On Paul Muldoon's Moy Sand and Gravel

11/14   Yasmin Solomonescu: Title TBA