Hybrid Irelands: At Culture's Edge

Location: Notre Dame Conference Center

A Graduate Student conference exploring the relationship between Hybridity and Irish Literature

March 29-31, 2012
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA



8:30 – 9:45 Panel Sessions

Panel A: The Bildungsroman (Chair: Chris VandenBossche) [Room 100-104]

  • Shan-Yun Huang (University of Notre Dame):

              ‘’Of Artists and Butchers: Irish Bildungsroman and its Discontents’’

  • Shahriyar Mansouri (University of Glasgow):

              ‘’Hybridity and ’Meta-Nationalism’ in the Modernist Irish Bildungsroman’’

  • Kara Lee Donnelly (University of Notre Dame):

              ‘’A Portrait of the Artist and the Postcolonial Bildungsroman’’

Panel B: Domestic Spaces (Chair: Lauren Rich) [Room 112-114]

  • Caleb Caldwell (University of Virginia):

             ’’’Carrying cloth’: Fabric, Language and the Hybrid Domestic Space in Eavan Boland’s Poetry’’

  • Libe García Zarranz (University of Alberta):

             ’’Deviant Populations and Globalized Surveillance in Emma Donoghue’s Room: Towards a New Cross-Border Ethic’’

Panel C: Touring Europe (Chair: Simone Hamrick) [Room 200]

  • Michelle Lyons (University of Connecticut):

             ’’Hybrid Owenson: Subjugated Ireland in Lady Morgan’s Italy’’

  • Annie Jansen (Michigan State University):

             ’’Fetishized Foreigners: Ireland Abroad in Ita Daly’s ‘Aimez-vous Colette?‘’’

  • Carly J. Dunn (Indiana University of Pennsylvania):

             ’’’A Pattern Which Suited Her Perfectly’: Hybridity in Deirdre Madden’s Novels’’

Panel D: Mr. Yeats (Chair: Susan Harris) [Room 202]

  • Kristina Persenaire (Grand Rapids Community College):

             ’’The ‘The’: Leda’s Orgasm and Her Conception of a New Irish Identity’’

  • Heather Brown (Kent State University):

             ’’’The hand that loves to scatter’: Hybridity in W.B. Yeats’s Postcolonial Revisionist Cúchulainn’’

  • Rose Daum (Saint Louis University):

             ’’’Eating her wild heart’: Complicating Yeats’s Hybrid Aesthetic’’

Panel E: Irish Language and the Nation (Chair: Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh) [Auditorium]

  • Ronan Doherty (University of Notre Dame):

             ’’Bastard Child or Hybrid Whizz-Kid: Irish Language Film in the 21st Century’’

  • Ana M. Jimenez-Moreno (University of Notre Dame):

             ’’The Myth of Humpty Dumpty: Stephen and Bloom’s Negotiations with Colonization and Language’’

  • Caitriona Moloney (Bradley University):

‘’James Joyce as Druidy Druid: Bloom’s Day as Ancient Irish Wooing Tale"


9:45 – 10:00 Tea and Coffee Break


10:00 – 11:15 Panel Sessions

Panel A: Leopold Bloom, Cosmopolitan (Chair: Shan-Yun Huang) [Room 100-104]

  • Michael E. Beebe (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee):

             ’’Leopold Bloom’s Municipal Funeral Tram: Ulysses and the Public Imagination of the Modern Irish State’’

  • Flicka Small (University College Cork):

             ’’The Multiple Facets of Leopold Bloom’’

  • Bryan Yazell (University of California, Davis):

             ’’Bloom and the Orientation of National Space in ’Cyclops’’’

Panel B: Folktales and Contemporary Literature (Chair: Diarmuid Ó Giolláin) [Room 112-114]

  • Barbara Hillers (Harvard University):

             ’’An Fear Nár Chodail Néal: The Trans-cultural Adventures of ‘The Man who Never Slept’’’

  • Brenna Everson (Luther College):

‘’Connections Between Women: Emma Donoghue’s Modern Adaptations of Seventeenth-Century French Fairy  Tales’’

  • ​Jacqui Weeks (University of Notre Dame)

‘’Redefining Magic: Emma Donoghue and the Irish ’Fairy’ Tale Tradition’’

Panel C: Interpreting Ireland (Chair: Gretchen Busl) [Room 200]

  • Keeran Murphy (New York University):

“Money, Modernity, and National Identity in Ireland and Korea: Castle Rackrent, ‘’The Wings,’’ and Peace Under Heaven’’

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    Emily Somers (Simon Fraser University):

‘’Translating Fairies: Irish Studies Societies and the Birth of Japanese Modernism’’

Panel D: Comparative Ulysses (Chair: Denise Ayo) [Room 202]

  • Regina Gesicki (University of Notre Dame):

‘’The Odyssey of Magical Realism: From Joyce’s to Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude’’

  • Abby Palko (University of Notre Dame):

‘’Echoings in the Empire: Joyce’s and Walcott’s Omeros’’

  • Qingyuan Jiang (University of Notre Dame):

‘’The Chinese Ulysses in the Hibernian Metropolis: Chiang Yee’s The Silent Traveller in Dublin’‘

Panel E: Seminar and Discussion with Richard Berengarten (University of Cambridge) (Interlocutor: John Dillon) [Auditorium]

“English Poetry as International Discourse”


11:15 – 11:30 Tea and Coffee Break


11:30 12:45 Plenary:  Clair Wills (Queen Mary, University of London) (Introduction by Lindsay Haney) [Auditorium]

’’‘Turning a Shade Darker’: Hybridity, Race and Population’’


12:45 – 2:15 Lunch (Provided) [Central Dining Area, Lower Level]


2:15 – 3:30 Panel Sessions


Panel A: On the Future of Irish Studies Round Table (Chair: Spurgeon Thompson) [Room 100-104]

  • Spurgeon Thompson (New York University) 

  • Nathan Wallace (Ohio State University)

  • Katie Kane (University of Montana)

  • Katie Conrad (University of Kansas)

  • Heather Edwards (Ohio University)

  • Michael Malouf (George Mason University)

Panel B: Hybridity in Practice – Creative Writing at ND (Chair: Carina Finn) [Room 112-114]

  • Trish Connolly

  • Betsy Cornwell

  • Carina Finn

  • Ji Yoon Lee

  • Seth Oelbaum

3:45 – 5:30 Panel Sessions (Extended Length)

Panel A: Northern Ireland and Cultural Memory (Chair: Ailbhe Darcy) [Room 100-104]

  • Leigh Elion (University of Wisconson – Madison):

‘’Public Art and Palimpsestic Memory in Post-Accord Northern Ireland’’

  • Jenny Howell (University of Texas at Austin):

‘’The Truth Revealed: History and Hybridity in Two Bloody Sunday Dramas’’

  • Yvonne Garrett (New York University):

‘’Caught in the Crossfire: Structures of Hybridity in the Work of Ciaran Carson’’

Panel B: Exiles and Emigrations (Chair: Aedín Clements) [Room 112-114]

  • George N. Asimos (Villanova University):

‘’Toy Guns: Agency, Performativity and Resignation in Pádraic Ó Conaire’s Exile’’

  • Ailbhe McDaid (University of Otago):

’’’Resident Aliens’: The Irish-American Consciousness of New Irish Poets Eamon Grennan, Eamonn Wall and Greg Delanty’’

  • Andrew Kalaidjian (University of California, Santa Barbara):

‘’Tending to Hybridity: The Popular Science Writings of John Lighton Synge’’

  • Jeremy Magnan (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee):

‘’Representations of the Irish Traveler in Horror,’ or ‘Travelers, Miscegeny, and Cows, Oh My!’’   

Panel C: Racial Profilling and the Politics of Self-Portraiture: Double-Consciousness, Disaffection, and Desire in African-American and Irish Writing (Chair: Mary Ann Ryan) [Room 200]

  • Marguerita Grey-Ben (Chicago State University):

​’’The Problems of Portraiture: Documenting the Primitive in the Writings of Zora Neale Hurston and John M. Synge’’

  • Anthony Bishop (Chicago State University):

‘’The Janus Effect: Exploring Double-Consciousness in the Works of James Joyce and James Baldwin’’

  • Jasmine Thurmond (Chicago State University):

’’’Mash Ups,’ ‘’Mericans,’ and Masochism: The Politics of Desire in Dion Boucicault’s The Octoroon’’

  • April Gibson (Chicago State University):

‘’Shedding the Shadows of Our Skins: Ourselves Alone and at Home in African-American and Irish Women’s Poetry’’

Panel D: Sovereignty and Emerging Literary Capital (Chair: Peter McQuillan) [Room 202]

  • Emily Ransom (University of Notre Dame):

‘’Printing Reform and Rebellion in Sixteenth-Century Dublin’’

  • Brian James Stone (Southern Illinois University – Carbondale):

‘’Early Irish Theories of Discourse’’

  • Wes Hamrick (University of Notre Dame):