Terry Eagleton Public Lecture Spring 2011


Location: Hesburgh Center Auditorium

Professor Terry Eagleton, the Excellence in English Distinguished Visitor at Notre Dame, is a British literary theorist widely regarded as Britain’s most influential living literary critic.  Author of over 40 books primarily in literary criticism and theory, he resides at Notre Dame three weeks each semester through Spring 2014.

This is his fourth public lecture at Notre Dame, entitled On Violence

“Why is it hard to strangle someone with your bare hands?  Why is pacifism grossly immoral? Why is violence an inadequate way for a state to control its population? Why did Edmund Burke think that the Law was a cross-dresser?  What is the relation between civilization and barbarism?  These and other questions will be raised in the lecture, and some of them even answered.”

PDF of Eagleton Lecture Poster: "On Violence"

Terry Eagleton SP11: "On Violence"